One must embrace the chaos within
to give birth to a dancing star.
Call for a consultation (no obligation), +1 617-275-5706
Call for a consultation (no obligation),
+1 617-275-5706

The TuneUp Prework



  • What are the components of your business or career?
  • What’s working and what’s not working now in each of those components?
  • What are your approximate monthly Income and expenses for all these components of your business/career?
  • What are your plans going forward, both for all parts of your business and for any aspects of your personal life that might impact on your business.


The Numbers

Look again at the numbers.

  • What are they now
  • What do you need them to be
  • What do you want them to be?


Vision, Values, Goals

  • What is your vision for your work and your life?
  • What are your priorities for your work and your life?
  • What are your values for your work and your life?
  • What are your goals for your work and your life?


Your Way Forward

  • Draw a picture your sales funnel, or career trajectory. How close is that to what you want and need it to be?
  • What are your plans going forward? What do you need to get there?


Wrap-up/next steps