One must embrace the chaos within
to give birth to a dancing star.
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Call for a consultation (no obligation),
+1 617-275-5706

Buy YUIYB Modules

If you aren’t ready to commit to a group program, or to the full curriculum at the moment, you may purchase the following modules individually.

Each module has a myriad of related resources as well as practical, experiential exercises, to get you more actively engaged as you explore the subject of the module.


Module 1: Create Your Parachute

The unconscious, semi-conscious, creative parts of ourselves are often overlooked, yet that is where our passion lives, the parts of us that make us most distinctive. The starting point of this course is accessing and exploring the unique combination of parts that only you have. Based on the work of Richard Bolles’ What Color is Your Parachute, this is an opportunity to step back and look at the canopy overarching all that you do, to discover what is truly yours to offer to the world…

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Module 2: Hurry Up and Wait

We are so used to keeping busy, filling our time, being goal-oriented that waiting – letting something germinate – can feel like procrastination. And yet, the truth that countless artists and geniuses know, is that It is ready when It is ready…whatever It is. The ability to sit in the unknowing and wait for the answers to appear is a valuable skill worth learning and practicing.

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Module 3: Who Are You Really?

In this module you will take the ISPI™ (Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator) assessment, which we will then debrief both individually and as a group. This powerful instrument will help you understand how you look at the world, the often-hidden differences between you and others that determine how well you connect and work together (or don’t), and how you can best work with people despite (or better, because of) those differences.  Please note, the price of this module is higher as it includes an on-line assessment, the ISPI™ (Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator®)

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Module 4: Partner, Partner, Partner

Equipped with greater awareness from the ISPI™, in Module 4 we explore the challenges – and value – of partnering, and where it fits into the mix you are creating. And if you already have partnership in your work, this is an opportunity to take a step back and re-evaluate how well it is working, and what might rejuvenate it.   NB: this module is best taken in connection with Module 3, although it is important enough to be taken on its own.

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Module 5: Ask for Help and Help Yourself

Here you will increase your understanding of the too-often-overlooked importance and value of asking for help. Far from being a sign of weakness, asking for help opens new avenues and unlooked-for opportunities that will benefit both you and those you ask it of.

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Module 6: Brand Congruence

Your personal brand is how people see you, and what makes people think of you when they have a need. This exercise of clarifying your personal brand is where you will name and articulate the work that is most uniquely yours to do, whether you are building a career or a business.

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Module 7: Jump In, the Water’s Fine

The best way to learn is to do, and if you do not fail at least a few times in the process, you probably are not pushing yourself hard enough. This module begins the phase of the process where you take all that you have been learning to this point in the series, cohere it into a plan for how to offer it to the world around you, and prepare to give it a test drive.

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Module 8: Present Your Plan and Celebrate

Where the rubber hits the road, and you start talking about what you have been working on, and where you are headed with this new perspective on your work. You will present the plan you created in Module 7 to your group of like-minded supporters, and others around you.  You will also start getting the all-important feedback of how the way you talk about your work, your brand, your uniqueness lands with the world around you.

 [s2Member-PayPal-Button sp=”1″ ids=”2502″ exp=”120″ desc=”Module 8 Present Your Plan” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ra=”97″ image=”default” output=”button” /] uk buyers


Module 9: Embrace Failure and Pivot

Too many people let fear of failure stop them. Here we work more explicitly with stepping into failure – whether from Modules 7 & 8 or from your life – and start using it as the gift and tool that it is to help you understand when and where to make changes to your plan.

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Module 10: Next Steps for Your Business

Now that you have completed this process, what’s next? What support do you need as you move forward – how can you leverage the connections you have made with the rest of the group, and create on-going mechanism(s) that will best serve you and your work?

 [s2Member-PayPal-Button sp=”1″ ids=”2506″ exp=”120″ desc=”Module 10 Next Steps” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ra=”97″ image=”default” output=”button” /] uk buyers